Comics Humor

Comic 2 – Dirt Cake

Bob says:
– Square 2 – ‘Yummy’


Comics Serious

Comic 1 – Rough Ride

Our first comic on Instagram!


Our Story

Here we go ….

The public recording of this journey starts today! What journey? The journey we began roughly 5 years ago. The journey to get my daughter prepared for an Illustration career. Now, Bernadette has joined us on the journey. There is a second intertwined goal to the journey: Get Bernadette out into the world to use her magic. The world needs her. So after 5 years of silence, we emerge!

What have we been doing during all this time? We have been writing. We have been editing, and then more writing. We have been drawing, then growing older, and then drawing some more.

But, let’s not dwell on the past, we will come back and visit it soon enough. Today, this website is live! It’s not quite finished, I will just have to finish it up as quickly as I can. It’s not like anyone out there will see it (yet)!

Why now? First, my daughter is 15 years old, and her drawing has really, really improved. She draws every single moment that she can, and just loves it. Second, I have spent 2019 working on my half, the writing. My goal: 12 stories that are A/A- quality. I think I have 7 that are at that level, and another 6 that are in the B range. So, while I am not quite there, 2019 is not done yet! I think I can get 5 of those 6 up to the A/A- level by the end of the year.

Between the growth in my daughters drawing, and my writing, I think we are ready to bring Bernadette alive! So, what are out next steps?

  • Website
  • Twitter account (not yet sure exactly how to use it ….)
  • The stories: More reviews from others. I need people who aren’t friends, or related, and can give me honest opinions. (If you find this and want to proofread, contact us!)


Our Story

The start of the Journey

Why Bernadette?

  • My daughter Ellie loves to draw. She draws, draws, and then draws some more. If she is not doing that, she uses pens & pencils to create images on paper, filling sketch book after sketch book! She truly is that passionate, I don’t think a day goes by that she does not draw. I know this will not be an easy career for her to pursue, but this is her passion. So I, as a father, love what she loves, and will do whatever I can to help her follow her passion and her dreams.
  • I have often been ‘disappointed’ with picture books. This really means I have cried out: ‘how did this get published!’. So, instead of complaining, I am doing something about it. (The picture book world is pretty, well, antiquated. We don’t know how to break into it yet, so we are starting this comic online to help develop our talents, and our characters.)
  • The world needs Bernadette. We have lost sight of a lot, we really need to step back and see things a little more clearly through the eyes of a ~8 year old. These stories, and Bernadette are our way to make this world just a little bit better.


The first Bernadette, sometime around 2014