Comics Friendship

Comic 18 – Best Friends – Winter

Best Friends – Winter Bernadette & Bob enjoy a winder day. (Remeber, Bob’s rebus is explained in the hash tags if you cannot get it)

#BobSays_WhatADay #SnowballFight #IceSkating #Sledding #HotCocoa #comics #comic #wholesomememes #comicstrip #comicstrips #positivity #webcomic #webcomics #cutecomic #cutecomics #cuteart #webtoon #funnycomic

Comics Friendship Humor

Comic 15 – Cap’n Capy

Bernadette loves her stuffed animal Cap’n Capy, a capybara. Her best friend/pet, also loves rodents, but for dinner. Can this work out? Is there much nutrition in a stuffed animal?

Comics Friendship

Comic 8 – Bob Wants Ice Cream

Bernadette is really, really fond of ice cream. Why wouldn’t she be? Ice cream always makes everything better. Go try it!

Bob says: ‘I scream’, or is it ‘Ice cream’?

#IceCreamMakesEverythingBetter #YesBobIsColdBloodedDontWorryHeWillWarmUp

Comics Friendship

Comic 7 – Best Friends

You don’t know what kind of day someone had, be there for them.

Bob says:
– Square 4: ‘Always’

#BestFriendsAreThereForYouWhenYouHaveARoughDay #BeABestFriendForSomeone