It’s a familiar feeling, a very familiar one, it’s just not a good one ….
What is that feeling? Well, it’s really a mix of feelings, but it starts by feeling overwhelmed: There’s so much farther we need to go. Then, it moves into being uncertain: I have no idea what to do next. Really, it dwells in this area for a while, for quite a while. I really, really have no idea what to do next. We have some comics posted, and we are getting a good rhythm started. This is good, actually, it is exactly how we wanted to start. But now what? How do we get people to find us? Why do we even want people to find us? What really are we really trying to accomplish?
Overwhelmed, uncertain. Then, after dwelling here for a while, the feeling does finally move on. My brain cannot conceive the next step for us, so my brain figures it’s simply time to ‘can’ the whole project. This stalling, this ‘failing’ isn’t very fun, so maybe we just shouldn’t try at all. The feeling moves to inadequacy. My writing really isn’t that good. Mediocre at best. Who was I to think that I could write something that would attract an audience? Why keep trying?
Feelings, I ackowledge you. I acknowledge that you are oppressive. I acknowledge that you today you are heavy, so very heavy.
But, sorry, I am not going to quit. Tomorrow I will keep trying.