When did Bob eat last? Should Dad be scared? Can Dad ever comfortably nap again?
#EmeraldTreeBoasEatAboutEvery3Weeks #BobNormallyEatsSmallMammalsWouldHeMakeAnException
Tag: Dad
Comic 9 – Tasks & Priorities
Inspired by real events!
#AllWorkAndNoPlayMakesDadADullBoy #ChooseYourTasksCarefullyTheyCompeteForTimeWithYourPlay
We believe in setting goals and working towards something. But, if you can’t stop and enjoy it frequently, what is it all for? We really have SO much right where we are at, sometimes we need to appreciate what we already have.
#BalanceStrivingForMoreWithEnjoyingWhatYouHave #FantasticForestLockingBlocksSet