I still don’t think we believe it …..
Tag: Dad
Fuzzy McFuzzerface? That’s our favorite.
Scissors does cut paper, Mom has to break the news to her …..
Ever have one of those days where everything seems to go in the wrong direction?
Answer: Ice Cream.
New Year 3 – Revolutions
New Years ‘Revolutions’? Keep trying Bernadette …..
#WebComic #Comic #Comics #InstaComic #ComicStrip #ComicStrips #CuteComics #NewYears #Cartoon #Cartoons
Christmas – Jokes
A few Christmas Jokes for you!
#WebComic #Comic #Comics #InstaComic #ComicStrip #ComicStrips #CuteComics #ChristmasCartoons #ChristmasJokes #Jokes
Christmas 2021 – 4
Bob’s Thoughtfulness
Talk about an awkward Christmas gift! How does the family react to Bob?
#AVoleIsStockierThanAMouseWithAShorterTail #BobsChristmas #WebComic #Comic #Comics #InstaComic #ComicStrip #ComicStrips #CuteComics #ChristmasCartoons
Christmas 2021 – 2
Apparently there was a short lived ‘Animal of the Month’ club in 1968. It did not last long because the animals (frogs, newts, etc.) kept dying in the mail. I think this would be just fine for Bob! As a reminder, Bob is Bernadette’s best friend, her pet emerald tree boa.
#BobsChristmas #WebComic #Comic #Comics #ChristmasCartoons
This is our first Dad Wisdom comic. Why? Because Dad’s have all sorts of wisdom! Well, at least they think they do!
Thanksgiving 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! (Sorry Bob, maybe you should try turkey)