Comics National Days

Christmas – Jokes

A few Christmas Jokes for you!

#WebComic #Comic #Comics #InstaComic #ComicStrip #ComicStrips #CuteComics #ChristmasCartoons #ChristmasJokes #Jokes

Comics National Days

Christmas 2021 – 4

Bob’s Thoughtfulness

Talk about an awkward Christmas gift! How does the family react to Bob?

#AVoleIsStockierThanAMouseWithAShorterTail #BobsChristmas #WebComic #Comic #Comics #InstaComic #ComicStrip #ComicStrips #CuteComics #ChristmasCartoons

Comics National Days

Christmas 2021 – 3

How long will it take Mom to knit a stocking for Bob?

#HowManySmallMammalsCanFitInAStocking #BobsChristmas #WebComic #Comic #Comics #InstaComic #ComicStrip #ComicStrips #CuteComics #ChristmasCartoons

Comics National Days

Christmas 2021 – 2

Apparently there was a short lived ‘Animal of the Month’ club in 1968. It did not last long because the animals (frogs, newts, etc.) kept dying in the mail. I think this would be just fine for Bob! As a reminder, Bob is Bernadette’s best friend, her pet emerald tree boa.

#BobsChristmas #WebComic #Comic #Comics #ChristmasCartoons

Comics National Days

Christmas 2021 – 1

As a reminder, Bob is Bernadette’s best friend, her pet emerald tree boa.
#WebComic #Comic #Comics