Our Story

Where did we go?

We are back! But where did we go? It’s now 7 years that we have been working on this, on and off. We made a push in 2019 to prepare our writing and pictures for Picture Books. Where have we been since then?

The world of Picture Books is a very antiquated industry that is very difficult to break into. We saw people that slaved away for years before they were finally published. We saw good books that received no attention, and horrible books that were popular (Jimmy Fallon, we are looking at you, sorry!). Some of our books are good, others still need a lot of work. But we aren’t sure we want to toil away in the ‘normal’ route. So, not knowing what to do, we gave Bernadette a break.

Now, Ellie is 17, and guess what? She has continued to draw, continually. Her artwork has continued to improve, and she still just loves to draw. As a father, I cannot bear that thought of her not pursuing this dream. So, we are back, to do something. But what?

We have no idea. So we are starting with a comic. We will be developing Bernadette, Bob, Mom, Dad, older sister Kate, younger brother Scotty, and their world. Who is Bernadette? What does she like? What does she love? Can Bob always communicate through rebuses? Is ‘rebuses’ a word? Should I say ‘rebus puzzles’? Anyway, quit distracting me! Where was I? Yes, the comic. We have started on ‘Insta’ as the kids like to say: The Amazing Bernadette (@amazingbernadette) • Instagram photos and videos

Bernadette also has a Facebook page, and an old Twitter account that we need to ressurect. We could use your help. We need to get better. What do you like? What do you not like. Let us know, we don’t have any idea what we are doing, but we are doing something.

Color Pencil version as we explore Bernadette’s new style


Comics Friendship

Comic 8 – Bob Wants Ice Cream

Bernadette is really, really fond of ice cream. Why wouldn’t she be? Ice cream always makes everything better. Go try it!

Bob says: ‘I scream’, or is it ‘Ice cream’?

#IceCreamMakesEverythingBetter #YesBobIsColdBloodedDontWorryHeWillWarmUp

Comics Friendship

Comic 7 – Best Friends

You don’t know what kind of day someone had, be there for them.

Bob says:
– Square 4: ‘Always’

#BestFriendsAreThereForYouWhenYouHaveARoughDay #BeABestFriendForSomeone

Comics National Days

Pancake Day

#HappyNationalPancakeDay #NationalPanckeDay #TodayIsSundayAndWeEatThemEverySaturdayButWeAreNotInChargeOfTheseHolidays

Comics Serious

Comic 6 – Enjoying Life

We believe in setting goals and working towards something. But, if you can’t stop and enjoy it frequently, what is it all for? We really have SO much right where we are at, sometimes we need to appreciate what we already have.

#BalanceStrivingForMoreWithEnjoyingWhatYouHave #FantasticForestLockingBlocksSet

Comics National Days

Happy Autumn!

#ItsTimeForTeaPieBlanketsSlippersSweaters #HappyAutumn

Comics National Days

Talk Like a Pirate Day

#InternationalTalkLikeAPirateDay #InternationalTalkLikeAPirateDay2021 #WeReallyAreNotPirates

Comics Humor Serious

Comic 5 – Adults Are Strange

Sometimes we want to make a point, while still using humor. I tried that here. I give myself a ‘B’.

Bob says:
– Square 1 – ‘Explain’
– Square 2 – ‘Go on’

#WhatIsThe5thGReallyGoingToChange #BabySharkIsNumber1YouTubeVideo9BillionViews #YouThinkThatOneIsRoughCheckOutJohnyJohnyYesPapaOrMaybeDont

Comics Humor Serious

Comic 4 – ‘Social’ Media

Comics Humor

Comic 3 – Snakes do not have eyelids

Bernadette gets a little upset with Bob, and we don’t blame her.

#SnakesDontHaveEyelids #NeverTrustAnEmarldTreeBoa