Category: Comics
This comes from real life. I have asked kids to do something that takes them 5 minutes, and they act like it will be a whole day event ….
#BobSays_Well #BernadetteHasARudeAwakeningComing
National Cheese Curd Day
There might be some memories from my childhood influencing me on this one …..
#CursiveItsJustNotVeryReadable #SoVeryManyMorePracticalThingsToTeach
Comic 9 – Tasks & Priorities
Inspired by real events!
#AllWorkAndNoPlayMakesDadADullBoy #ChooseYourTasksCarefullyTheyCompeteForTimeWithYourPlay
Comic 8 – Bob Wants Ice Cream
Bernadette is really, really fond of ice cream. Why wouldn’t she be? Ice cream always makes everything better. Go try it!
Bob says: ‘I scream’, or is it ‘Ice cream’?
#IceCreamMakesEverythingBetter #YesBobIsColdBloodedDontWorryHeWillWarmUp
Comic 7 – Best Friends
You don’t know what kind of day someone had, be there for them.
Bob says:
– Square 4: ‘Always’
#BestFriendsAreThereForYouWhenYouHaveARoughDay #BeABestFriendForSomeone
Pancake Day
#HappyNationalPancakeDay #NationalPanckeDay #TodayIsSundayAndWeEatThemEverySaturdayButWeAreNotInChargeOfTheseHolidays
We believe in setting goals and working towards something. But, if you can’t stop and enjoy it frequently, what is it all for? We really have SO much right where we are at, sometimes we need to appreciate what we already have.
#BalanceStrivingForMoreWithEnjoyingWhatYouHave #FantasticForestLockingBlocksSet
Happy Autumn!
#ItsTimeForTeaPieBlanketsSlippersSweaters #HappyAutumn