A spicy little girl and her snake, making life better

Who is Bernadette?
Who is this spicy girl, and how does she give us hope through her love of Capybaras and ice cream?
“Baby capybaras, they are SO adorable!”
– Bernadette

Bob & Bernadette – Besties

Indexed Comics
- Comics (56)
- Friendship (4)
- Humor (31)
- Serious (7)
- National Days (20)
- Our Story (7)
- Uncategorized (1)

Who is Bob?
Mom bought an Emerald Tree Boa as a pet. The neighbors can’t find their guinea pig. These statements are probably unrelated.

Who is behind all this?
A father and daughter team, who is daring to dream against the odds. Read about their journey here.
“Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream ……”
– Bernadette
Posts by Tags:
Bernadette Black Friday Bob Bully Bunny Buuny Camping Cap'n Capy Capybara Chipmunk Christmas Dad Ellie Friends Gopher Groundhog Humor Ice Cream Ice Olympics Jam Jelly Jokes Kate Mammal Mom Mouse New Year Pancakes Russia Scott Scotty Serious Tea Thanksgiving Ukraine Vole Wig Winter Woodchuck
Listen up people! I have been around for about 6 years now. The first few years were spent getting some basic things figured out. (That was more than a little messy.) But, now, I have seen enough, and it’s time to get to work.
What is going on? Everybody is angry, and choosing sides. We tell everyone else how they are wrong. We ignore those who are hurting and only think about ourselves, even if we aleady have plenty of ice cream!
Some of us have the internet with us on our hips, while others don’t even have clean water to drink. But, we rush around, sign up for more payments, get next day shipping, and binge watch TV shows to help us forget that all of this is true. Grab some sprinkles, some bubbles, and start skipping. It’s time to make this world a better place.
– Bernadette
P.S. Bob says to tell us if you have a chipmunk problem. Wait, Bob seriously, focus! Not everything is about rodents!
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We are going to do this. The world needs Bernadette. We need the humor. We need her to show us that we CAN be what we know we should be. Click here to sign up for email updates about our journey.